QE1579 Shield

Photo courtesy Queensland Museum

Photo courtesy Queensland Museum

Accession Number: QE1579

Museum: Queensland Museum

Date Acquired: 14 February 1900

Collector: Clement Lindley Wragge (1852-1922)

Date Collected: c.1900

Where from: Cardwell

Description: L930 x W360mm

Sub-crescentic softwood. Ochred red, yellow, black and white. Spirit figures on back in black. Softwood probably Ficus. Oval – kidney bean shape. Lateral twist, plano – convex cross – section. Handle carved out of solid, free standing from surface. Reverse side: Mostly plain except for 2 spirit figures in black similar to those seen in rock art around Kennedy, NQ. (Metal band around handle – possibly from display). Obverse side: decorated with black, white, red, yellow ochre in geometric patterns. Small oval boss centre front shield. Scarred surface. Spear shield. Extremely rare.

As a Queensland Government Meteorologist from 1887 to 1903 Clement Lindley Wragge had many opportunities to collect Aboriginal artefacts (Barnard 2013).

See: ‘Clement Wragge’ authored by Russell McGregor
